Dreams and Goals✨💫

Dreams and Goals✨💫

Do you ever dream? Do you dream of where you would like to see your business in the future? To me, dreams are a vision 🤔 of new 💡 ideas or plans that have yet to come true. Dreaming is beautiful and anyone can dream of a better future. In business, dreams are what we think 💭 about all the time. My dream, from a very early age, was to have a business. As a teenager, my 💡 idea/dream was to start a business named Shel Go Get it For Ya. I envisioned running errands for people with time and physical restraints. Sort of a GrubHub or DoorDash type of business. Now, looking 👀 back, this really did have some potential. 🤗

Why did my first dream not happen? Easy. I did not make a plan or more importantly set a GOAL to obtain my dream. Anyone can dream. What’s great 👍🏼 about Dreams? Dreams happen without even lifting a finger.

Goals are part of a larger process that starts with a vision. The definition of a goal is the end toward which effort is directed. Goals, in my opinion, are the MOST important ACTIONS YOU can take!!! Goals are your chance to turn dreams into reality.

Here is my question to you. What are your dreams and have you set some goals to achieve your visions? Just by commenting on this post will be the first step in turning your dream into tangible outcome. Remember, “Dreams without goals are just dreams.”

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